Sunday, October 25, 2015


Day Two!

Starts off with pumpkin steamers from starbucks (obvi)

Top of the rock for my favorite view of the city. 

7 million pictures (too bad I brought the worst lens so the majority are old fashioned iPhone pictures)

Non stop selfie sticking!

Magnolia’s !!!!!!!!!! I dream about that banana pudding!

A subway ride to brooklyn that just about does aunt brette in/my mom almost gets punched by a scary lady .

High expectations for DUMBO. Wasn't as cool as the pictures.

A very LONG, COLD  wait outside for brooklyn’s award winning pizza.

A walk across the brooklyn bridge (so pretty).

Double decker bus ride back to time square. It was CHILLY! (When I packed for NYC the weather was saying it would be around 67 degrees. I packed sweaters and boots and ONE warm coat just in case it got cold at night. um it was around 48 degrees. So that one coat was worn every day and beanies + gloves were purchased along the way -_-)

Dinner at Virgil's where I had the most amazing mango salmon! 

& sleep. so much sleep.


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