Tuesday, October 20, 2015


One night months, and months ago, Jordan and I sat and decided which 13 schools he would apply to for dental school.

We decided that he would apply to ALMOST all west coast schools so we could stay close to family. The only 3 schools that he applied to that were not on the west coast were the 3 Ivy Leagues, U Penn, Columbia, and Harvard. 

In the months since we have thrown the idea around of moving to one of these schools if he gets in.

This last weekend we spent exploring and interviewing at 2 of the 3 (still waiting on Harvard. Could they please decide ASAP?!)

NYC is my favorite city in the world so I got to tag along.

I'm so incredibly proud of Jordan! He works so hard and is so dang smart. Any of these schools is lucky to have him! I'm so lucky to go on this adventure with him!

After his interview he felt so good and ready to see New York for the first time! 

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