Sunday, September 28, 2014

What we have been up to

Life has sure changed since we have moved to utah, but we have loved every minute of it.

Something about being newlyweds and being surrounded by our family makes this adventure so much fun.
(I still miss CA like crazy!)

So here is what we have been up to in Sept...

I've been "making" dinner. you know, like costco frozen meals.
I make a really good order to cafe rio... daily. 

unpacked my closet. okay so maybe jordan's closet has some of my clothes too...

visited my friend taylor's beautiful baby girl. I can't believe my friends have babies!

we watch a lot of football. its a marriage ruiner. 

i made jello for a family party and DIDN'T screw it up! 

my little boy had his first day of school.

we go to target a lot.

we went to sushi ONCE. so gross! HELP we need a yummy sushi place here in ut!

jordan and my uncle coach my cousin's soccer team. #soccermomintraining

I can't seem to decorate our room for the life of me. so sad.
Being a nanny means LOTS of trips to the zoo.

I did my good wife deed and went to a byu football game.

we got to go to wedding for jordan's mission friends.
i got bored and chopped my hair. don't get bored people..
Jordan gets us dirty diet cokes from the store down the street on his way home. heaven.

Fall is here and so is rain. We spent our afternoon drenched watching my cousins play soccer.

cousin day while grandma and grandpa are in town.

this nugget is 7. we loved partying with him. 

in all honesty, September has been spent looking at wedding pictures. Obvi. 

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