Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentines Day 2015

Jord and I have had quite the week. It has been hard and emotional.
I was beyond grateful to have valentines day fall just when needed our spirits lifted.

We really aren't crazy valentines dayers.

Sure, we love any excuse for a fun date and a little extra love, but we aren't ones to go crazy.
 We keep it simple.

Friday night we watched 7 kids while my aunt and uncle went on a date.
We had two extra babies to watch because my aunt was watching her sister's kids while she was out of town.
It was so fun to snuggle those twin babies. I wish they were here for more than a weekend.

Once we were done babysitting we snuggled up in bed and watched "The Last Five Years". 
I love Anna Kendrick and Jeremy Jordan. The movie wasn't their best but I still enjoyed it. Jordan found it very depressing.

Saturday morning we got a late start because we slept in. 
I got ready in my valentines day gear hahaha. (I've worn that to pre school parties every year!)

 We said that we didn't want to do gifts this year but Jordan gave me a nail salon gift card. He isn't a good listener. He said, "you are going to get your nails done, so just let me be cute and get you a gift card" haha. I think he just wanted to decorate the envelope. 

We didn't have any hot plans during the day so we decided to do what we I do best... shop! 

We went to the mall and spoiled ourselves.
We both got new jeans and Jordan got me the necklace that I had been eying from Jcrew. 
We had blue lemon for lunch then headed home to party prep.

My aunt and uncle hosted the most fun valentines day party for their friends in our ward.
It was fun to get to know couples from our ward. 
We moved into my uncle's basement apartment 6 months ago, but we still feel like we don't know anyone. Thankfully, we always have our BFFs, Uncle Curt and Aunt Brette to hang out with.

We used and abused the photo booth all night. 
It was so fun to see couples of all ages get in there and pose.

The highlight of the night was seeing one of our favorite couples from the ward wearing the EXACT same outfits as Jordan and I. They have pretty good taste ;)
There were three of us wearing the same top last night. I guess it is not every day that you can wear your hot pink blouse. haha

It was such a fun day! 
I love my valentine and all he does for me.
Heres to many more valentines days together!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Feb. 6th

(written earlier)
I'm not sure why I am posting this? I'm not one to post super personal things. Aside from writing in my journal, I really haven't told this story to many. I have had many moments while writing this where I've tried to delete it.
I finally decided that this blog is a way to document our lives and tell our story... Might as well add a juicy part. ;)

Today I was laying in bed trying to get over the nasty stomach flu that I have had. I looked down at my phone and saw the date.
February 4th.
It then hit me that the anniversary of Jordan coming home from his mission is in two days.

Instantly, a flood of memories hit.

I even spent some time re reading those last few emails. 
They seem like they were written FOREVER ago. We seemed like such babies trying so hard to be mature in this situation.
I read the goals that we had at the time.
Jordan was dead set on med school and I was just beginning my interpreting program.
We kept "us" up in the air, but in some emails words would slip.
We missed each other.

As I looked at today's date again I remembered what I was feeling on Feb. 4th of 2013.
(freaking out. duh.)

I remember feeling so torn about whether to go to the airport.

I had NEVER wanted to go. 
Don't think that it was because I wasn't excited. I WAS! 
I just think that the airport is for the moms (okay, the rest of the family too). I did not want to take away from that moment.

Jordan insisted. 

I'm pretty sure I said "no way" the first couple of emails and then I finally agreed.

Jordan wanted me there, but he wanted my parents and brothers there too. He expressed that they had so much influence on him going on a mission so he wanted them to be there if they felt comfortable.

They did. It was me who didn't. 
I can admit now that I was really nervous.

The days before I silently lamented. I decided that if he wanted me there then I'd be there.

plus, i hadn't seen him in 2 years, so yeah, I was a little giddy.

The day came.

I over anyazlaed. 
Changed my outfit 100 times.
My mom and I worked at pre school that morning and I can promise that I was not focused.
We pulled adam and bradley out of school and drove to LAX.

I really had no idea what to expect.
My family and I made a "game plan" on the way.
We would stay out of the way. We were there to support, not over shadow.

I know this will sound silly because Jordan and I dated for 2 1/2 years before his mission, wrote EVERY week, and really did love each other...
But I didn't know how things would go down after the mission.

We tried our best to focus on our friendship while he was gone. I knew how I felt and I was pretty sure how he felt, but in that moment I was so nervous.

As a missionary girlfriend (ew. I really hate those words.) you have this pretty little picture of his homecoming in your head. I didn't know if it would be that pretty in real life.

After what felt like hours jordan finally arrived.

He was shy and timid, clearly overwhelmed, while walking up.

That all changed when he saw his family.

I stayed back. 

He hugged all of his family.

Then he B lined straight to me. 

I know i'm little biased, but it felt like he was there to see ME.
 Thats the thing about Jordan... he has always made me feel the most special.

It wasn't a crazy moment, just a hug, and a look, but I melted.

All of those months of that crazy roller coaster were so worth it. 

I laughed in my head about the hours of over analyzing about going to the airport.

We took some pictures and then my family and I left. 

I was so happy that I decided to go to the airport, but now it was time for him to focus on his family.
Don't worry, my phone was glued to my hand for whenever he was ready. 

I won't get into the days and months after.
They were perfect, but in a lot of ways boring.
It was VERY soon after he arrived home that we knew we were meant to be.
Its all history from there.

February 6th will always be a special day.
I feel really lucky to be able to spend every 2/6 from here on out with Jordan.
I don't know if I will change my outfit 100 times on friday or be super nervous to see him, but i'm pretty sure Jordan will make me feel just as special as 2/6/13.
He is good like that!

Monday, February 2, 2015

My Latest Obsessions

Last week my crazy kicked in...

You see, I'm a very passionate person. When I get into something I really get into it.

Like one time my sister in law and I saw the movie Prisoners. We immediately went home and researched it (we know, its fake, but somethings didn't make sense and we wanted to see what others thought.). We found clues that the director put in and it fascinated us. We ended up seeing the movie the next day just to do a little fact check haha.
(for you prisoners fans, Jake Gyellenhaal has MAZE tattooed on his fingers. WHAT?! So was he involved?! We sure think so.)

Anyway, you kinda get my point. I'm looney.

So this last week I was home in CA and I was searching for a good book to read. I remembered that mom had purchased the Elizabeth Smart book so I read that. GUYS,  I read it in ONE afternoon. I literally couldn't put it down. It was the most amazing book! I really couldn't shut up about it.

Then, I came back to utah and saw an instagram post on the podcast called Serial. I had seen a few posts here and there and I had been meaning to start it back in December. 
Thursday night was the night. I listened to the first episode. Instantly hooked. I texted my fellow over analyzer SIL. I forced Jordan to listen to it the next day on his commute to provo. He came home hooked too. The last 3 days we have spent any possible moment listening. Last night we finished and stayed up for another hour talking about it. 

Here are somethings that stood out to me about the Elizabeth Smart book:

-um I'm not a scardy cat but I don't think I will ever look at a bum again.
- ES is the most brilliant 14 year old. I would have been so overcome by fear that I would have never thought of the things she did.
- what a testimony builder that was! To read about the little miracles that happened along the way or to read how loved she felt by Heavenly Father. Wow!
- Alarm systems are a must for me now.
- This is kind of stupid but I was so taken aback about how close this happened to where i'm living now. I feel so safe in Utah? 
- That man is probably the creepiest person I have EVER heard of. ewwww.
- I just have SO much respect for ES. No professional therapy after. Who does that?
-Also, props to her parents. Way to raise a child who was able to handle that terrible situation.
- Mostly what I thought about was that there was a reason that ES was chosen. I can promise most 14 year old girls would not handle that trauma the way she did. Heavenly Father had a hand in that one 100%.

Thoughts about Serial:
(I could literally write about this all day so i'll keep it short.)

-JAY?!?!?!? What the heck?! He HAS TO be more involved. It bothers me so much that he didn't get jail time. He freaking buried the body!
- unrelated: I ate so much cereal this weekend. Good timing to crave it. 
- I was so hoping that sarah would say "i know 100% that he did/didn't do it". I get why she didn't. She couldn't. But it still makes me sad. I'm dying to know.
- Adnan did it. I'm like really sure, but I feel like there was someone else helping him (not just jay)? Idk? kinda far fetched.
- I kind of have a girl crush on Sarah.
- Here is the deal. That case was a mess. She said it over and over again. I just don't think there was enough evidence to lock him up for life. 
- this kind of bugged me... I was really set that he did it, but then in the last episode Sarah WASN'T. She couldn't say either way, but part of her still thought he was innocent. I respect her a lot so it made me reevaluate why I thought he was guilty.

I'm going to stop there because, again, there is SO much tot talk about.

So here is my point in blogging about this...


I apologize to my friends and family for forcing these two things down your throat. They are just that good. 
I wish someone would have told me about them earlier. 

I understand that most people aren't my level of crazy, that is okay, you'll still love them. 

When you are done reading or listening lets talk!