Wednesday, July 8, 2015

JULY 4TH 2015

Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. I love dressing up and spending time in the sun with family.
This year Jordan, my brother and I found the tackiest 4th of July gear. Unfortunately my suit was see through and the boys suits were HUGE. I guess thats what happens when you shop at walmart and eBay. Thankfully, we had back up 4th gear.

My parents and grandparents were in town so it was extra fun!

For documentation sake I have uploaded every single picture from the day. Sorry. So sorry.

I hope everyone had a great 4th of july!

(Blurry because, well, my suit is see through)

Pops LOVED the slide.

first hat i found on amazon major yankee fans 

Jordan likes to torture tyler.
Dad got pushed in hahaha.
We celebrated tyler's birthday while we were all together on the 4th.

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