Thursday, July 17, 2014

Chub Chub

On July 9th at 3:30 am I got the text that I had been waiting for! 

I quickly drove to juju's house to watch big brother miles while ju and jon went to the hospital.

Later that day Tyler Scott was born weighing 9 lbs 4 oz.

Oh he is the cutest chubby baby in the world!

I loved taking Jordan to the hospital to see Chub Chub. 
Jordan had never held a newborn before.
He kept saying "he is so tiny".
I told him this is the BIGGEST newborn i'd ever seen. Totally abnormal for our family.
(my dad always says that jordan and i are going to have underfed looking lizard babies. I told Jordan not to get used to big newborns haha)

Oh Chub Chub! I could hold him all day!

Babies are the best! I'm savoring every moment with this babe before I move to utah!

Shhhh! Don't tell... tyler already told me that I was his favorite cousin. 

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