Monday, February 1, 2016

a little day date

Oh this poor neglected blog!
I have so many posts waiting in drafts (hawaii, christmas, jordan's bday, NYE, etc etc etc). I sadly left my memory card in CA & I just can't get myself to blog those events until I get my pictures from my big camera back!

This last Monday, Jordan took me on a day date to the midway ice castles.  

With only THREE months left in Utah we have felt this odd pressure to soak in every last bit of the state and this was on the top of our Utah bucket list (don't get me started on our Utah food list we have made. So much to eat, so little time). 

PLUS, we had a very stressful few weeks so we were both craving a relaxing afternoon. 

SO a day date was a perfect way to relax and enjoy each other. 

I love my guy and our time together. I know someday i'll look back on these times when it was just the two of us going on these fun, spontaneous dates with the fondest memories. 

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