Thursday, December 31, 2015


The "year in review" post is easily my favorite blog post to write! I love looking back at a gigantic year and remembering how great it was.
Last New Years Eve, I remember feeling sad to leave behind 2014. It was the year we got married, moved to a new state, and started our lives.
I had no idea how incredible 2015 would be.
2015 was a year for growing.
Our love and marriage grew (who knew it was possible to love each other any more?) as we supported each other through the year's challenges.
We (but especially me) were able to reevaluate relationships and focus on those who love and support us.
We laughed. a lot. 
We stayed up too late.
& we made the best memories, some cringe worthy but the rest so so happy.

In no particular order, here are my highlights of 2015:

- TRAVEL!!! We were so blessed to travel this year to some of the most incredible places in the country. We traveled to CA TONS, Las Vegas, Newport Beach, Philadelphia, New York City, San Francisco, and Hawaii (for me).

- THE DAT. Jordan took the dental admissions test in spring after he had studied for MONTHS. It was the greatest feeling seeing him exit the testing center holding a piece of paper showing his INCREDIBLE score. 

- THAT ONE TIME WE WERE PREGNANT. This one of those cringe worthy ones.. Yep, you read it right... we were pregnant. Except we weren't. 2015 started off CRAZY when I had "morning sickness", took a pregnancy test and... POSITIVE. Only to go to the doctor to find out that I actually WASN'T pregnant. Yeah, roller coaster. But still a memory that I want to remember forever because we grew so much in those few weeks and I have truly never felt closer to my Heavenly Father (I was praying reeeeeeal hard 24/7). Phew. Its over.

- DENTAL INTERVIEWS. It was so amazing seeing Jordan's hard work pay off when he was invited to interview with almost every single school he applied to. And it was of course so wonderful to travel to those schools. pinch me.

-OUR FIRST ANNIVERSARY. Best year of my life. 

- ROAD TRIP WITH MY BEST FRIEND. Best friends are so important. I loved spending time with mine.

- ACCEPTANCES. December 1st came and Jordan was accepted to so many schools! We took the plunge and put our deposit in at a school near where we grew up. 

- HOLIDAYS! I loved every holiday this year. From a huge valentines day party, to 4th of july with the whole family, to a quaint thanksgiving, to skyping our elder on mothers day and christmas. It was a good year for holidays. 

-JORDAN+HILLARY TIME. I really treasure these years we have with just the two of us. I love my best friend and the life we have. I am so lucky!


With only hours left in 2015, I sit here so excited for 2016. Probably the most excited i've ever been for a new year.
I'm mostly looking forward to:
soaking up the rest of our time in Utah.
moving home to CA.
actually watching brad play football his senior year!
living by my mama!
disneyland passes!
Hawaii with my family.
Jordan starting dental school.
Going back to my all time favorite job.

and all the other blessings I can't see coming!

Now i'm off to celebrate with the people I love most!

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