Saturday afternoon we headed for the fair.
This was my first time at the fair (my mom says i've been before but I don't remember) and man, oh man, was it fun!!
My uncle was able to get a ton of tickets so the whole family went.
Carnival rides kind of freak me out so Jordan and I just bought few tickets so we could go on the ferris wheel and maybe a slide. Somehow I managed to get suckered into a flying tea cup ride with the "big" cousins tho. It was super fun, but I felt 100 years old. I was so dizzy.
A lot of my aunts and uncles went on that torture chamber. NO thanks!
The kids were in heaven! I was in heaven as soon as I started eating!
This corn on the cob was the best thing thats ever happened to me. Jordan and I want to start making it at home.
I got my fair food, Jordan got his. All he wanted was a fried snicker bar. He loved every bite.
Thanks to this guy for getting us tickets!
It was such a fun day at the fair! I will go back every year just for the people watching and food! Worth every penny!
Funny you said people watching, cause the people there are too much for me! That's the main reason we didn't go this year!