Thursday, June 11, 2015


I have to blog about Jordan’s huge test (the dental admissions test). It is too big of an accomplishment to ignore.

I’m so very proud of Jordan so this might get braggy. I promise its not intentional. Don’t hate me. I just really want to document this on my little corner of the internet and eventually blog book. 

So back in January Jordan got his study materials and dipped his toes in the study pond.
He didn’t stress about it, but if he had a spare moment he would have his nose in a book.

As May 21st got a closer he really started studying. For the last month and a half I have barely seen my husband and if I did he was focused on his test.

I truly have never seen anything like it. He woke up well before me to study and stayed up well after me. It was so impressive watching someone be so focused. 

The night before the DAT my uncles gave Jordan a blessing. I feel so lucky to have so many priesthood holders near us. 

That night neither of us slept. The nerves were out of control. Somehow Jordan managed to wake up with energy.

A good hardy breakfast and he was off...

I paced all morning. I was so happy to be working so I wasn’t obsessing over the test.

I have always known that Jordan would do amazing and well above average. He had taken many practice tests and passed them with flying colors. My worry was that Jordan wouldn’t be happy with his scores. He is so hard on himself. This isn’t the kind of test you take more than once so he had one shot to kill it.

 And if i’m being really honest, this test will be a major deciding factor in where we live for the next 4-10 years so yeah I was nervous. 

I decided to surprise Jordan outside the testing center with balloons and sushi. I really didn’t have any clue what time he was going to be done so I got there early. Like REALLY early. I sat there for almost two hours. (thank you to friends who kept me busy by chatting on the phone.)

I was so nervous that I ended up drinking Jordan’s diet coke too. (DC is my form of medication)

But finally Jordy boy came out grinning!

His score was INCREDIBLE. I don’t know many dental students, but his score was higher than anything I had ever heard of. 
All of his hard work paid off.
Our stress lessened so much when he got his score because it is higher than every school’s average.
It is such a good feeling knowing that he can be able to apply anywhere he wants and be a good competitor. 

I’m SO proud of Jordan. Now his application is in and its waiting time. I have no doubt that he will get into a great school and eventually be an amazing dentist. Gosh I love him. 

I just want to “publicly” thank my family and friends for being so supportive during this crazy time.
It made me so happy that they genuinely wanted to know how Jordan’s studying was going in the last few months. My grandparents called countless times wondering how he was feeling. My grandpa could talk dental school all day because he has taken the time to learn about different schools. I can’t even tell you what my phone looked like while he was testing. I had so many “well...?” texts haha! My cute cousins called and sang “congratulations to you” as soon as he was out of the test. Our “roomies” have been Jordan’s biggest cheerleaders. Its been the biggest blessing living with them during this time because they are the most supportive pople we know. Of course my parents have been amazing. My mom said she wouldn’t know what to fast and pray for once the test was over haha. They even took us to vegas as a “congratulations” gift for Jordan. 
 I love that my family loves and supports Jordan as much as I do. I will always remember the love they gave Jordan during this time. I know he needed it and appreciated it so much. 
So thanks fam! 

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