Tuesday, March 31, 2015


When I started to announce that I would be moving to Utah everyone reacted the same way...
"You? in Utah? HAHAHAHAHA!"

I guess everyone thinks I'm a wimp.
They're right.

I worried how my always cold body would handle the winter.
My closest has like 20 coats because I wanted to be overly prepared.

I'm here to tell you that I have survived the winter (this is a BIG lol because this has been the mildest winter in history. I have only experienced ONE snow "storm". But whatever, roll with me.). So HA HA HA naysayers!

But here is the weird thing... I'm kind of loving Utah.

It all started in fall when the leaves started changing. 
You see, in CA we don't have that.
Every halloween that I can remember has been in the mid 80s.
That's just not fun.
We get sweater weather for a hot minute in CA, so I loved pulling out my boots and sweaters in fall.

Winter happened and it was just fine with me.

...but now there is SPRING! 

This makes me never ever want to leave.
The "popcorn" trees down EVERY street... be still my heart!
It is too good.
On Saturday Jordan and I spent our day outside.
We went to the soccer game Jordan coached.
I was wearing a sun dress and sandals and was SO comfortable.
74 degrees, people.
While at the game my mom called and told me it was in the 90s in CA.

After the game we headed downtown to meet some friends for lunch.
It was beyond beautiful.

We were trying to make the most of the beautiful day so we explored a little. The views were so pretty.

I'm liking this little city.
Please don't leave spring!

*The goal of this post was to persuade my parents to join the SLC fun. Fingers crossed it worked! Also, this lot that i'm standing in is for sale soooooo.....

Monday, March 23, 2015

Have courage and be kind

Did anyone else absolutely love cinderella?!?!

I left that movie so happy!

I sat in the movie with a row full of cute young girls. I couldn't help but be grateful for a movie with such an important message for these little ones.

This quote was so perfect and I was ecstatic when my friend Tonya made this print. 

Even though i'm a "big girl, " I love having this reminder in my home.

Heres to having courage and being kind.


This Weekend

I love weekends.
I love date nights.
I love extra time with jordan.
I love sleeping in and late night movies.
I love catching up on laundry (okay, not really).
Weekends are just the best. I know you all agree.

This weekend has been a real winner.
Jordan planned most of it.
We started our friday night off with a little dinner date.
After dinner we had some time to kill so we went home and took a much needed nap. (why am I always so tired on fridays??)

Once we were well rested we headed to the late show at our favorite play house.
All you SLC people need to go to desert star. It is cheesy and so "utah", but we can't seem to get enough. We are now season ticket holders.
yep, super nerds.

Last Sunday, were sitting in church and Jordan nonchalantly says, "oh by the the way, I signed us up to go to the temple next week... at 7am."
I love the temple and really love going, but in that moment I thought I was going to kill him.

I complained all week. Heck, I complained that morning. But as I was walking out of the temple doors in the wee hours of the morning (that was dramatic, it was 8) I was so glad we woke up and went.

Jordan came home and studied and I took a very long nap. Oh heaven!

That afternoon we had a big family pool party.
We ate hot dogs and hamburgers and swam until we were prunes.
It got me so excited for summer.

Saturday night we headed to a movie.
There is nothing I love more than movie theater diet coke and popcorn.

And now I'm sitting here on monday morning counting down the seconds until the weekend.

Have a good week, friends!

Monday, March 16, 2015

a quick catch up

The last few months have flown by and I have been terrible at documenting on this little blog.

This post is long, scattered, and semi annoying, but i know i'll want these memories saved.

So bear with me as post every picture from my iPhone.

At the beginning of February I started feeling super sick.
I had no energy and felt nauseous 24/7.
My days looked a lot like this.

I had a little visit at the ER that was NO fun.
After a month of the constant sickness doctors finally got me back on track.
It was easily the most draining and emotional experience and I'm so glad its over!

On to better things...

 Jordan and I took our "little girl" on a date. We told her to keep our date a secret so her sisters wouldn't get jealous. That didn't work. She walked into the house and straight up to her sisters wiggling her freshly manicured nails at them. haha

I had the cute ashley color my hair. Somedays it is bright red and others it looks like a basic brown.
I never thought i'd have reddish hair, but it is kind of a fun change.

Ju, Jon, miles and ty came to visit.
I was in heaven squeezing tyler's chubby cheeks.
I'm not sure how i didn't get pictures of miles?
Good thing i'll see them again soon!

It dumped snow for the first time since we've lived in utah! Spencer and I went outside for a minute to soak it up. He wasn't feeling it. I don't blame him, I kinda felt the same.

 Competition season started for dance and I have loved every minute of it.
I have gone to every competition, helped clean their dances, and been a dance mom in training. 
I have such fond memories of being a dancer and I love that my cousins have the same passion.

 Goddard Cousins

Sami and Spencer had back to back birthdays so we partied with family. We made yummy pizzas and took a million pictures in the photo booth.

We got to watch our sweet little abbie jane in her school play! She was the cutest lost boy ever!

Shamrock shakes are back. enough said.

Jordan and I continue to make date nights a priority.
Most of our date nights are target runs, car wash, and dinner. 
Nothing over the top but always so perfect.
I love that husband of mine.

Thats a wrap! 

Heres to hoping the next post won't be so long and boring!