When I started to announce that I would be moving to Utah everyone reacted the same way...
"You? in Utah? HAHAHAHAHA!"
I guess everyone thinks I'm a wimp.
They're right.
I worried how my always cold body would handle the winter.
My closest has like 20 coats because I wanted to be overly prepared.
I'm here to tell you that I have survived the winter (this is a BIG lol because this has been the mildest winter in history. I have only experienced ONE snow "storm". But whatever, roll with me.). So HA HA HA naysayers!
But here is the weird thing... I'm kind of loving Utah.
It all started in fall when the leaves started changing.
You see, in CA we don't have that.
Every halloween that I can remember has been in the mid 80s.
That's just not fun.
We get sweater weather for a hot minute in CA, so I loved pulling out my boots and sweaters in fall.
Winter happened and it was just fine with me.
...but now there is SPRING!
This makes me never ever want to leave.
The "popcorn" trees down EVERY street... be still my heart!
It is too good.
On Saturday Jordan and I spent our day outside.
We went to the soccer game Jordan coached.
I was wearing a sun dress and sandals and was SO comfortable.
74 degrees, people.
While at the game my mom called and told me it was in the 90s in CA.
After the game we headed downtown to meet some friends for lunch.
It was beyond beautiful.
We were trying to make the most of the beautiful day so we explored a little. The views were so pretty.
I'm liking this little city.
Please don't leave spring!
*The goal of this post was to persuade my parents to join the SLC fun. Fingers crossed it worked! Also, this lot that i'm standing in is for sale soooooo.....