Monday, September 21, 2015


Saturday afternoon we headed for the fair.
This was my first time at the fair (my mom says i've been before but I don't remember) and man, oh man, was it fun!!
My uncle was able to get a ton of tickets so the whole family went.
 Carnival rides kind of freak me out so Jordan and I just bought few tickets so we could go on the ferris wheel and maybe a slide. Somehow I managed to get suckered into a flying tea cup ride with the "big" cousins tho. It was super fun, but I felt 100 years old. I was so dizzy.
A lot of my aunts and uncles went on that torture chamber. NO thanks!

The kids were in heaven! I was in heaven as soon as I started eating!

This corn on the cob was the best thing thats ever happened to me. Jordan and I want to start making it at home.
I got my fair food, Jordan got his. All he wanted was a fried snicker bar. He loved every bite.

Thanks to this guy for getting us tickets!

It was such a fun day at the fair! I will go back every year just for the people watching and food! Worth every penny!