Friday, July 17, 2015


Jordan and I have been loving our summer.
With school, the dat, and applications being done Jordan has had such a nice summer. He only goes into work for a couple of hours a day and the rest of his time is spent playing with me.

We have been up to lots of fun things!

We kicked off our summer by watching my cousins for the weekend. We had picnics, ate snow shacks, and swam like CRAZY!

 My best friend in the whole wide world was in town so we snuck away to lunch. She graduates in december and I pray everyday that she moves to utah. I have pretty bad separation anxiety ;)

My nanny job lets me do all sorts of fun things. I love when I get to go on a little adventure with the kids!

My sadie lady turned 8 in June. She is my cousin and I am also her nanny so I spend lots of time with her. I call her my sour patch kid because she can be so sour (like every other 8 year old) but then a minute later she is sweet as pie.  I got to go to temple square with her to take her baptism pictures! She looked so beautiful!

These days I rarely get ready during the week. On Sundays I always try to get ready so that usually calls for a picture. Jordan HATES IT! 
 vvvv sometimes our pictures are silly because we generally have a 5 year old take them.

We moved into a very, hmmm... established(?) ward. Basically everyone in our ward has a house, a career, and a bundle of kids. Well, everyone except us and our cute friends Olivia and Will. I was so relived to see a couple our age when we first moved in! Luckily for us, they are awesome!
Jordan and I love hanging out with them because they are holladay natives and show us the best places to eat (they are the masterminds behind @utahgrubs. you can follow them on insta if you are like jordan and I and have no clue where the best restaurants are in utah).
Anyyyway... one night we went up to deer valley for their summer concert series. 
We grabbed our favorite indian food to go and picnicked at the concert. 
After the concert we weren't quite ready to go home so will and olivia showed us around park city.
We ended up at the montage where we ate the BEST smores. 
It was such a fun night!

My aunt and uncle are the greatest..
The invited us on their date night up in park city.
We went to the BEST restaurant on main street.
It was the same restaurant where they got engaged years ago.

I'm not kidding when I say it was the best meal EVER. I literally dreamt about it for days after.

Once we finished dinner we wandered around main street then ran into the outlets.

We are always counting our blessings that we live under the same roof/work for such amazing people. They really are our best friends!

I wish time would start slowing down! This summer is already flying by!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

JULY 4TH 2015

Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. I love dressing up and spending time in the sun with family.
This year Jordan, my brother and I found the tackiest 4th of July gear. Unfortunately my suit was see through and the boys suits were HUGE. I guess thats what happens when you shop at walmart and eBay. Thankfully, we had back up 4th gear.

My parents and grandparents were in town so it was extra fun!

For documentation sake I have uploaded every single picture from the day. Sorry. So sorry.

I hope everyone had a great 4th of july!

(Blurry because, well, my suit is see through)

Pops LOVED the slide.

first hat i found on amazon major yankee fans 

Jordan likes to torture tyler.
Dad got pushed in hahaha.
We celebrated tyler's birthday while we were all together on the 4th.