Saturday, May 23, 2015

Playing Catch Up

1. Aunt Brette hosted the cutest 65th anniversary party for her grandparents. Since we live under my aunt and uncle's roof we get invited to lots of sunday dinners/parties so we have gotten to know aunt brette's grandparents. They are seriously the cutest people and Jordan and I eat up their stories. We loved celebrating their anniversary with them.

2. My grandparents came up to Utah to help my aunt and uncle move. We spent a few days spending time together and EATING! (how cute is my grandpa?!)

3. Jordan and I have a new love for Indian food. I could eat it everyday! SLC friends, GO TO BOMBAY HOUSE (and invite us!).

4. Our favorite date night is still desert star. Popcorn, cherry cokes, and lots of laughs.

5. Spencer and I have been frequenting the mall lately. We pull up and he cheers "BALLOON" because the cute nords workers always give him one.

6. My future dentist did a sim course and loved every second.

7. I was a "dance mom" on picture day. Sass looked so freaking cute in her tutu.

8. WE GOT TO SKYPE OUR ELDER! happy happy happy happy day!

9. When homeboy screams bloody murder in walmart you shove a banana in his face. #nannylife

10. we go on daily "blocks" (walks) to find tweet tweets and puppies.

11. poor uncle curt had a colonoscopy. Jordan took him and was NO help. 

12. one day i couldn't seem to breathe. the doctor didn't believe me until i did a breath test and failed miserably. 

13. We celebrated 4 birthdays with a raging fiesta. best street tacos ever!

14. I started tutoring ASL students. Its cool but I really enjoy the excuse to drink a few steamers.

15. My breathing didn't improve much. One night I hyperventilated and got rushed to the ER. So scary. So embarrassing. Now I'm on crazy steroids to reduce the swelling in my esophagus. Yay for Utah allergies! -_-

16. I had a little lunch date with my friends taylor, mick, and my aunt. They all have babies so we paraded around the mall with 4 strollers. Quite a sight!

17 & 18. We got to watch my cute cousins in their dance showcase! (missing our abbie jane)

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Happy Mothers Day!

Mother's Day is this weekend and it will be the first mother's day that I am away from my mom.

Things will be different this year but I will still try my best to spoil my mom!

Every girl says "my mom is my best friend" but mine SERIOUSLY is. Pinky promise!
I'm the oldest and the only girl.
My mom and I had no choice but to be bffs in our house full of boys.
Growing up, my mom was a "dance mom".
She drove me to dance everyday and traveled with me to competitions.
It was a team effort always.
This lady put my eyelashes on until I was 18.

She was Stake Young Women's President while I was in high school so we were always together for church activities.  I'll never forget one of my friends was complaining that her mom held a calling with the youth. I was dumbfounded. I LOVED having my mom with me? It was around the end of high school that I figured out most moms aren't like mine.

It is an on going joke that my friends use me for my mom. If I had a dollar for every time a friend texts/tweets/instagrams my mom i'd be a rich lady. 
One time my friend texted me a juicy story about her and a boy. I responded with something along the lines of "holy crap! no way!?!". My friend responds, "omg, I know. Oh BTW I already told your mom. Don't be mad". 

so typical.

When it came time to decide what to do and where to go to college I knew I didn't want to leave my bff/mom. It wasn't even a thought. I couldn't leave her.. she and I are the same foundation color, who's would I steal if I didn't live with her??? 
So I didn't.
I spent my 4 years of college with my mom and I don't regret it for a second.

Things got real when she opened up a pre-school and asked me to be her assistant. That meant that we spent all day, everyday together.
We loved every second.

Then the time came to get married...
She and I worked side by side for 10 months planning the most perfect day.
My wedding was really my mom and my wedding (sorry, jord).

With a wedding came a marriage and with a marriage came a move.
This move was so hard. It was the first time I had ever been away from my mom.
There were many ugly tears and one really freaked out husband.

I'll be real, living away from my mom sucks. Thankfully, we have texts, calls, snapchat, twitter, insta, FaceTime, etc. I'd be lying if I said we didn't use 90% of those outlets daily...

We are managing. 
Jordan knows that mom calls take priority over everything (and he secretly loves it. he likes to chime in with annoying comments ;) ).
I'm amazed how we are able to stay close so far.
We are NOT getting comfortable with this tho...
We mean it when we say joke that someday we will live next door to each other.
And that keeps me going and makes me happy... One of these days, when we are settled and out of school, jordan and I get to be with mom again(kinda trying to convince him that living with my parents forever is a great idea). 

For now I have a trip planned almost every month for the rest of the year to see my mom.

Lucky me!

She is practically perfect in every way + she's mine!

^ Its true!

Happy mother's day to my mom/bff/slor!

ps. happy mother's day to my MIL and cute grandmas!